My task was to design a trip-fold, introductory brochure for the non-profit organization that reflected their commitment to native plants conservation and mission of connecting people with plants in their home communities across the state. Many photos were included to show the activities of the INPS in this regard, and iconography of various Illinois native plants as background elements. I used a natural color theme derived from the organization’s logo.
Bombus pennsylvanicus
A not rare, but less commonly seen native bee species here in the Midwest. I love the contrast of this queen bee foraging among the red clover planted in my vegetable garden. Close ups of nature can often yield unexpected surprises in the background!

Forest Glade – Wildcat Bluff
I recently joined a hike sponsored by our Illinois Native Plant Society into this wonderful hidden gem, part of the Cache River natural areas of the Shawnee National Forest. Some amazing species of flowers, trees, grasses could be found here in early May, including Prairie Dock, a large tall flower I’d never thought to look for outside of vast open sunny prairies where I’d seen it in northern parts of the state.

Three Ocean Advocates
Promotional poster, postcards and study guide for the classroom for Three Ocean Advocates, an award-winning documentary film by Andrea Leland and Cynthia Abbott of Every Second Breath Project, a non-for-profit organization dedicated to telling the stories of those groups and individuals working towards protecting our ocean habitats.
Snow Day Jay
Snow Day Jay
Watercolor on paper, 2021. Inspired by the birds outside my windows in winter.

Native Bees Native Thistle
The plight and preservation of native insects and their habitat is of huge importance to me, and over many years I’ve sought to dedicate my home landscape to encouraging these populations. Though this property is within a rural, primarily forested region of southern IL, the threat to bees is just the same. Animal agriculture, chemical use, drift, climate change…all have an impact. Many people automatically designate the thistle as noxious and something to remove, but if properly identified, property owners can cherish and encourage some native thistle populations which are hotbeds of pollinator activity. Bees and butterflies flock to it.

The cosmos is a native American flower, though not native to the United States. It can be found in regions of Mexico in very dry climate. It’s a prolific annual wildflower that thrives in high heat, and is also a hotbed of pollinator activity. This native bumblebee takes time to rest under a bloom.

Logo Design – St. John Film Society
The St John Film Society comprises a group of local filmmakers and film enthusiasts who have joined together for the purpose of exposing St John audiences of all ages to film and filmmakers from throughout the Caribbean and beyond. Their focus is on independent films that feature Caribbean-related cultures and issues. The society is not-for-profit and operates under the financial umbrella of the St John Community Foundation.
Director of Programming and Documentary Film Director, Andrea Leland, has been a long time design client and I was pleased for the opportunity to create a new logo for the organization.

Planet Underground / American Locator Magazine Website
Worked in tandem with an external marketing agency in developing the latest version of the company website in 2019, designed with WordPress in a news blog format with a focus on published articles from American Locator Magazine. Subscribers to the print version of AL received full access to all online articles as well. My duties included management of all articles, graphics and design related coding/style changes on the site after its initial launch. I also took the lead on management of all site subscriptions, invoicing and correspondence with customers, utilizing WordPress Woo Commerce integration.
The site also provides customers/clients with access to past articles, information on company events and ways to sponsor or advertise with Planet Underground and American Locator. I made use of Google Suite / Drive to allow storage and access to company Media Kit and other digital download products from the site.
Platforms/Plugins Used: WordPress, Elementor, Woo Commerce

Social Media Posts
This post was designed for promotion of two large scale media events produced by Planet Underground and hosted at The Utility Expo in Louisville, KY.
Please visit the live feeds for Planet Underground on Linked In and Facebook for many additional social posts and campaigns created for Planet Underground.

American Locator Magazine
Cover designs and interior spreads from 2016 to present. American Locator presents news and education regarding underground utility construction and damage prevention.
View pages from July 2019